Annika Fuhrmann

Miika Hyytiäinen: Aikainen

experimental music theater piece for two sopranos and musical ensemble
kantaesitys 2014, Universität der Künste, Berliini
lisäesitykset 2014, Grimeborn Festival of New Opera, Lontoo

Aikainen [Finnish for “early/about time”] is a piece of experimental music theatre that spans many art forms: Visual arts, performance art, poetry and film. Its five parts are about different aspects of time and temporality: “Ending”, “Generations”, “space-time-continuum” and “Memory”. The musical language is based on prime numbers and the pendulum movement – both of the core elements being audible and visible in many aspects of the piece, from melodies and structures of the work to the stage setup. Aikainen is a confession of love to the human voice and its flexibility. Two on stage vocal artists and three opera singers on 3D video provide the whole spectrum of it: From “Sprechgesang” to overtone singing and from cattle call cries to dramatic opera voice.

Miika Hyytiäinen, composition & concept
Jaakko Nousiainen, director
Annika Fuhrmann, voice
Frauke Aulber, voice
Varjo Ensemble:
Gaile Griciute, piano
Turkka Inkilä, flute ja 3D-printed ocarina
Taavi Oramo, klarinetti ja 3D-printed ocarina
Kari Olamaa, violin
Johanna Tarkkanen, cello
Alicja Sowiar, video art
Anu Komsi, Kaisa Näenranta, Tiina Sinkkonen; opera singers performing on video

© Ulf Büschleb